My daughter loves it! Easy to set up and take down, easy to store and transport, and lots of room for her to bring snacks and toys on our rides. The wheels are great and I actually quite like the color.
I was able to put the bike trailer together from the instructions. I have given my granddaughter a ride in it now quite a few times and it works really well.
My daughter loves it! She helped me put it together, so it was pretty simple and she loves getting in and out of it. So very sturdy, also she loves the smooth ride!
Rack should only be used on vehicles where it can be properly mounted as described in instructions included with product. Fit list applies only to installation of Allen Trunk Racks on standard vehicle models in original and non-customized condition (no after-market spoilers, external spare tires, etc.).
Racks should never be used on any type of trailer or the front of vehicle.