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¿Su automóvil tiene una rueda de repuesto trasera externa? Rear spare tire is located on the back of the vehicle and not inside trunk or other locations.

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Kit de correas y almohadillas para rack de surf
Kit de correas y almohadillas para rack de surf
Kit de correas y almohadillas para rack de surf
Surf Rack Pads and Strap Kit
Surf Rack Pads and Strap Kit

Kit de correas y almohadillas para rack de surf

Precio habitual $79.99
Precio de oferta $79.99 Precio habitual

Las almohadillas y correas para portaequipajes de surf de Allen ofrecen la opción perfecta para asegurar su tabla de surf o SUP a su portaequipajes de techo.

  • 2 almohadillas para tablas de surf/SUP aerodinámicas de 24" que se fijan rápidamente a la mayoría de las barras de portaequipajes con un cierre de velcro; las almohadillas resistentes a los rayos UV sostienen su tabla de forma segura.
  • Las correas de poliéster de 2 a 8 pies brindan un rendimiento óptimo para aplicaciones al aire libre en términos de resistencia a la rotura, resistencia a los rayos UV, resistencia al agua y resistencia a la abrasión.
  • Con una resistencia a la rotura de 500 LB y acoplado con una hebilla de leva de alta resistencia resistente a la corrosión.
  • La hebilla está envuelta en una almohadilla de TPR resistente a los rayos UV para proteger su tabla de golpes durante el transporte.
Recuerde consultar siempre las instrucciones del portaequipajes para asegurar adecuadamente todas las cargas.
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Bike Rack for the family 1

Great Memorial Day Weekend with the family! My rack went onto the truck in minutes. It was extremely secure with an adult and kids bike. When we got home it was just as easy to get off and stash away in our trunk. The family loved it.>

Author's name
Los Angeles, CA
Bike Rack for the family 1

Great Memorial Day Weekend with the family! My rack went onto the truck in minutes. It was extremely secure with an adult and kids bike. When we got home it was just as easy to get off and stash away in our trunk. The family loved it.>

Author's name
Los Angeles, CA
Bike Rack for the family 1

Great Memorial Day Weekend with the family! My rack went onto the truck in minutes. It was extremely secure with an adult and kids bike. When we got home it was just as easy to get off and stash away in our trunk. The family loved it.>

Author's name
Los Angeles, CA
Bike Rack for the family 1

Great Memorial Day Weekend with the family! My rack went onto the truck in minutes. It was extremely secure with an adult and kids bike. When we got home it was just as easy to get off and stash away in our trunk. The family loved it.>

Author's name
Los Angeles, CA
Bike Rack for the family 1

Great Memorial Day Weekend with the family! My rack went onto the truck in minutes. It was extremely secure with an adult and kids bike. When we got home it was just as easy to get off and stash away in our trunk. The family loved it.>

Author's name
Los Angeles, CA